Theory Cardinal_Library_Relative

sectionCardinal Arithmetic under Choice\label{sec:cardinal-lib-rel}

theory Cardinal_Library_Relative

locale M_library = M_ZF_library + M_cardinal_AC +
  separation_cardinal_rel_lesspoll_rel: "M(κ)  separation(M, λx . |x|⇗M⇖ ≺⇗Mκ)"

declare eqpoll_rel_refl [simp]


lemma cardinal_rel_RepFun_apply_le:
  assumes "S  AB" "M(S)" "M(A)" "M(B)"
  shows "|{S`a . aA}|⇗M |A|⇗M"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from this
  have "{S ` a . a  A} = S``A"
    using image_eq_UN RepFun_def UN_iff by force
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(λxA. S ` x)" "M({S ` a . a  A})"
    using lam_closed[of "λ x. S`x"] apply_type[OF S_]
      transM[OF _ M(B)] image_closed
     by auto
  moreover from assms this
  have "(λxA. S`x)  surj_rel(M,A, {S`a . aA})"
    using mem_surj_abs lam_funtype[of A "λx . S`x"]
    unfolding surj_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    using surj_rel_char surj_rel_implies_cardinal_rel_le by simp

(* TODO: Check if we can use this lemma to prove the previous one and
    not the other way around *)
lemma cardinal_rel_RepFun_le:
  assumes lrf:"lam_replacement(M,f)" and f_closed:"x[M]. M(f(x))" and "M(X)"
  shows "|{f(x) . x  X}|⇗M |X|⇗M"
  using M(X) f_closed cardinal_rel_RepFun_apply_le[OF lam_funtype, of X _, OF
      lrf[THEN [2] lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed[THEN iffD1, THEN rspec]]]
    lrf[THEN lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement]
  by simp (auto simp flip:setclass_iff intro!:RepFun_closed dest:transM)

lemma subset_imp_le_cardinal_rel: "A  B  M(A)  M(B)  |A|⇗M |B|⇗M"
  using subset_imp_lepoll_rel[THEN lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le] .

lemma lt_cardinal_rel_imp_not_subset: "|A|⇗M< |B|⇗M M(A)  M(B)  ¬ B  A"
  using subset_imp_le_cardinal_rel le_imp_not_lt  by blast

lemma cardinal_rel_lt_csucc_rel_iff:
"Card_rel(M,K)  M(K)  M(K')  |K'|⇗M< (K+)⇗M |K'|⇗M K"
  by (simp add: Card_rel_lt_csucc_rel_iff)

end ― ‹localeM_library

locale M_cardinal_UN_nat = M_cardinal_UN _ ω X for X
lemma cardinal_rel_UN_le_nat:
  assumes "i. iω  |X(i)|⇗M ω"
  shows "|iω. X(i)|⇗M ω"
proof -
  from assms
  show ?thesis
  by (simp add: cardinal_rel_UN_le InfCard_rel_nat)

end ― ‹localeM_cardinal_UN_nat

locale M_cardinal_UN_inj = M_library +
  j:M_cardinal_UN _ J +
  y:M_cardinal_UN _ K "λk. if krange(f) then X(converse(f)`k) else 0" for J K f +
  f_inj: "f  inj_rel(M,J,K)"

lemma inj_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le:
  notes [dest] = InfCard_is_Card Card_is_Ord
  fixes Y
  defines "Y(k)  if krange(f) then X(converse(f)`k) else 0"
  assumes "InfCard⇗M⇖(K)" "i. iJ  |X(i)|⇗M K"
  shows "|iJ. X(i)|⇗M K"
proof -
  have "M(K)" "M(J)" "w x. w  X(x)  M(x)"
    using y.Pi_assumptions j.Pi_assumptions j.X_witness_in_M by simp_all
  have "M(f)"
    using inj_rel_char f_inj by simp
  note inM = M(f) M(K) M(J) w x. w  X(x)  M(x)
  have "iJ  f`i  K" for i
    using inj_rel_is_fun[OF f_inj] apply_type
      function_space_rel_char by (auto simp add:inM)
  have "(iJ. X(i))  (iK. Y(i))"
  proof (standard, elim UN_E)
    fix x i
    assume "iJ" "xX(i)"
    with iJ  f`i  K
    have "x  Y(f`i)" "f`i  K"
      unfolding Y_def
      using inj_is_fun right_inverse f_inj
      by (auto simp add:inM Y_def intro: apply_rangeI)
    show "x  (iK. Y(i))" by auto
  have "|iJ. X(i)|⇗M |iK. Y(i)|⇗M"
    using subset_imp_le_cardinal_rel j.UN_closed y.UN_closed
    unfolding Y_def by (simp add:inM)
  note assms i. iJ  f`i  K inM
  moreover from this
  have "krange(f)  converse(f)`k  J" for k
    using inj_rel_converse_fun[OF f_inj]
      range_fun_subset_codomain function_space_rel_char by simp
  show "|iJ. X(i)|⇗M K"
    using InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel[THEN Card_rel_is_Ord,THEN Ord_0_le, of K]
    by (rule_tac le_trans[OF _ y.cardinal_rel_UN_le])
      (auto intro:Ord_0_le simp:Y_def)+

end ― ‹localeM_cardinal_UN_inj

locale M_cardinal_UN_lepoll = M_library + M_replacement_lepoll _ "λ_. X" +
  j:M_cardinal_UN _ J for J

―‹FIXME: this "LEQpoll" should be "LEPOLL"; same correction in Delta System
lemma leqpoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le:
  notes [dest] = InfCard_is_Card Card_is_Ord
  assumes "InfCard⇗M⇖(K)" "J ≲⇗MK" "i. iJ  |X(i)|⇗M K"
  shows "|iJ. X(i)|⇗M K"
proof -
  from J ≲⇗MK
  obtain f where "f  inj_rel(M,J,K)" "M(f)" by blast
  let ?Y="λk. if krange(f) then X(converse(f)`k) else 0"
  note M(K)
  moreover from calculation
  have "k  range(f)  converse(f)`k  J" for k
    using mem_inj_rel[THEN inj_converse_fun, THEN apply_type]
      j.Pi_assumptions by blast
  moreover from M(f)
  have "w  ?Y(x)  M(x)" for w x
    by (cases "xrange(f)") (auto dest:transM)
  moreover from calculation
  interpret M_Pi_assumptions_choice _ K ?Y
    using j.Pi_assumptions lepoll_assumptions
  proof (unfold_locales, auto dest:transM)
    show "strong_replacement(M, λy z. False)"
      unfolding strong_replacement_def by auto
  from calculation
  interpret M_cardinal_UN_inj _ _ _ _ f
    using lepoll_assumptions
    by unfold_locales auto
  from assms
  show ?thesis using inj_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le by simp

end ― ‹localeM_cardinal_UN_lepoll

context M_library

lemma cardinal_rel_lt_csucc_rel_iff':
  includes Ord_dests
  assumes "Card_rel(M,κ)"
    and types:"M(κ)" "M(X)"
  shows "κ < |X|⇗M (κ+)⇗M |X|⇗M"
  using assms cardinal_rel_lt_csucc_rel_iff[of κ X] Card_rel_csucc_rel[of κ]
    not_le_iff_lt[of "(κ+)⇗M" "|X|⇗M"] not_le_iff_lt[of "|X|⇗M" κ]
  by blast

lemma lepoll_rel_imp_subset_bij_rel:
  assumes "M(X)" "M(Y)"
  shows "X ≲⇗MY  (Z[M]. Z  Y  Z ≈⇗MX)"
  assume "X ≲⇗MY"
  obtain j where  "j  inj_rel(M,X,Y)"
    by blast
  with assms
  have "range(j)  Y" "j  bij_rel(M,X,range(j))" "M(range(j))" "M(j)"
    using inj_rel_bij_rel_range inj_rel_char
      inj_rel_is_fun[THEN range_fun_subset_codomain,of j X Y]
    by auto
  with assms
  have "range(j)  Y" "X ≈⇗Mrange(j)"
    unfolding eqpoll_rel_def by auto
  with assms M(j)
  show "Z[M]. Z  Y  Z ≈⇗MX"
    using eqpoll_rel_sym[OF X ≈⇗Mrange(j)]
    by auto
  assume "Z[M]. Z  Y  Z ≈⇗MX"
  obtain Z f where "f  bij_rel(M,Z,X)" "Z  Y" "M(Z)" "M(f)"
    unfolding eqpoll_rel_def by blast
  with assms
  have "converse(f)  inj_rel(M,X,Y)" "M(converse(f))"
    using inj_rel_weaken_type[OF bij_rel_converse_bij_rel[THEN bij_rel_is_inj_rel],of f Z X Y]
    by auto
  show "X ≲⇗MY"
    unfolding lepoll_rel_def by auto

textThe following result proves to be very useful when combining
     termcardinal_rel and termeqpoll_rel in a calculation.

lemma cardinal_rel_Card_rel_eqpoll_rel_iff:
  "Card_rel(M,κ)  M(κ)  M(X)  |X|⇗M= κ  X ≈⇗Mκ"
  using Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq[of κ] cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel_iff[of X κ] by auto

lemma lepoll_rel_imp_lepoll_rel_cardinal_rel:
  assumes"X ≲⇗MY"  "M(X)" "M(Y)"
  shows "X ≲⇗M|Y|⇗M"
  using assms cardinal_rel_Card_rel_eqpoll_rel_iff[of "|Y|⇗M" Y]
    lepoll_rel_eq_trans[of _ _ "|Y|⇗M"] by simp

lemma lepoll_rel_Un:
  assumes "InfCard_rel(M,κ)" "A ≲⇗Mκ" "B ≲⇗Mκ" "M(A)" "M(B)" "M(κ)"
  shows "A  B ≲⇗Mκ"
proof -
  from assms
  have "A  B ≲⇗Msum(A,B)"
    using Un_lepoll_rel_sum by simp
  note assms
  moreover from this
  have "|sum(A,B)|⇗M κ ⊕⇗Mκ"
    using sum_lepoll_rel_mono[of A κ B κ] lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le
    unfolding cadd_rel_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    using InfCard_rel_cdouble_eq Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq
      InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel Card_rel_le_imp_lepoll_rel[of "sum(A,B)" κ]
      lepoll_rel_trans[of "AB"]
    by auto

lemma cardinal_rel_Un_le:
  assumes "InfCard_rel(M,κ)" "|A|⇗M κ" "|B|⇗M κ" "M(κ)" "M(A)" "M(B)"
  shows "|A  B|⇗M κ"
  using assms lepoll_rel_Un le_Card_rel_iff InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel by auto

lemma Finite_cardinal_rel_iff': "M(i)  Finite(|i|⇗M)  Finite(i)"
  using eqpoll_rel_imp_Finite_iff[OF cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel]
  by auto

lemma cardinal_rel_subset_of_Card_rel:
  assumes "Card_rel(M,γ)" "a  γ" "M(a)" "M(γ)"
  shows "|a|⇗M< γ  |a|⇗M= γ"
proof -
  from assms
  have "|a|⇗M< |γ|⇗M |a|⇗M= |γ|⇗M"
    using subset_imp_le_cardinal_rel[THEN le_iff[THEN iffD1]] by simp
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq by auto

lemma cardinal_rel_cases:
  includes Ord_dests
  assumes "M(γ)" "M(X)"
  shows "Card_rel(M,γ)  |X|⇗M< γ  ¬ |X|⇗M γ"
  using assms not_le_iff_lt Card_rel_is_Ord Ord_cardinal_rel
  by auto

end ― ‹localeM_library

subsectionCountable and uncountable sets

definition (* FIXME: From Cardinal_Library, on the context of AC *)
  countable :: "io" where
  "countable(X)  X  ω"

relativize functional "countable" "countable_rel" external
relationalize "countable_rel" "is_countable"

notation countable_rel (countable⇗_⇖'(_'))

  countable_r_set  :: "[i,i]o"  (countable⇗_⇖'(_')) where
  "countable⇗M⇖(i)  countable_rel(##M,i)"

context M_library

lemma countableI[intro]: "X ≲⇗Mω  countable_rel(M,X)"
  unfolding countable_rel_def by simp

lemma countableD[dest]: "countable_rel(M,X)  X ≲⇗Mω"
  unfolding countable_rel_def by simp

lemma countable_rel_iff_cardinal_rel_le_nat: "M(X)  countable_rel(M,X)  |X|⇗M ω"
  using le_Card_rel_iff[of ω X] Card_rel_nat
  unfolding countable_rel_def by simp

lemma lepoll_rel_countable_rel: "X ≲⇗MY  countable_rel(M,Y)  M(X)  M(Y)  countable_rel(M,X)"
  using lepoll_rel_trans[of X Y] by blast

― ‹Next lemma can be proved without using AC
lemma surj_rel_countable_rel:
  "countable_rel(M,X)  f  surj_rel(M,X,Y)  M(X)  M(Y)  M(f)  countable_rel(M,Y)"
  using surj_rel_implies_cardinal_rel_le[of f X Y, THEN le_trans]
    countable_rel_iff_cardinal_rel_le_nat by simp

lemma Finite_imp_countable_rel: "Finite_rel(M,X)  M(X)  countable_rel(M,X)"
  unfolding Finite_rel_def
  by (auto intro:InfCard_rel_nat nats_le_InfCard_rel[of _ ω,
        THEN le_imp_lepoll_rel] dest!:eq_lepoll_rel_trans[of X _ ω] )

end ― ‹localeM_library

lemma (in M_cardinal_UN_lepoll) countable_rel_imp_countable_rel_UN:
  assumes "countable_rel(M,J)" "i. iJ  countable_rel(M,X(i))"
  shows "countable_rel(M,iJ. X(i))"
  using assms leqpoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le[of ω] InfCard_rel_nat
    InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel j.UN_closed
    countable_rel_iff_cardinal_rel_le_nat j.Pi_assumptions
    Card_rel_le_imp_lepoll_rel[of J ω] Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq[of ω]
  by auto

locale M_cardinal_library = M_library + M_replacement +
    lam_replacement_inj_rel:"lam_replacement(M, λx. inj⇗M⇖(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    cdlt_assms: "M(G)  M(Q)  separation(M, λp. xG. x  snd(p)  (sfst(p). s, x  Q))"
    "M(A)  M(b)  M(f) 
       separation(M, λy. xA. y = x, μ i. x  if_range_F_else_F(λx. if M(x) then x else 0,b,f,i))"
    "M(A')  M(G)  M(b)  M(f) 
        separation(M, λy. xA'. y = x, μ i. x  if_range_F_else_F(λa. if M(a) then G`a else 0,b,f,i))"
    "M(A')  M(b)  M(f)  M(F) 
        separation(M, λy. xA'. y = x, μ i. x  if_range_F_else_F(λa. if M(a) then F-``{a} else 0,b,f,i))"
    lam_replacement_cardinal_rel : "lam_replacement(M, cardinal_rel(M))"
    "M(f)  M(β)  Ord(β) 
      strong_replacement(M, λx y. xβ  y = x, transrec(x, λa g. f ` (g `` a)))"


lemma cardinal_lib_assms5 :
    "M(γ)  Ord(γ)  separation(M, λZ . cardinal_rel(M,Z) < γ)"
  unfolding lt_def
  using separation_in lam_replacement_constant[of γ] separation_univ lam_replacement_cardinal_rel
  unfolding lt_def
  by simp_all

lemma separation_dist: "separation(M, λ x . a. b . x=a,b  ab)"
  using separation_pair separation_neg separation_eq lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by simp

lemma cdlt_assms': "M(x)  M(Q)  separation(M, λa .  sx. s, a  Q)"
  using separation_in[OF _
      lam_replacement_hcomp2[OF _ _ _ _ lam_replacement_Pair] _
    separation_ball lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by simp_all

lemma countable_rel_union_countable_rel:
  assumes "x. x  C  countable_rel(M,x)" "countable_rel(M,C)" "M(C)"
  shows "countable_rel(M,C)"
proof -
  have "x  (if M(i) then i else 0)  M(i)" for x i
    by (cases "M(i)") auto
  interpret M_replacement_lepoll M "λ_ x. if M(x) then x else 0"
    using  lam_replacement_if[OF lam_replacement_identity
        lam_replacement_constant[OF nonempty], where b=M] lam_replacement_inj_rel
  proof(unfold_locales,auto simp add: separation_def)
    fix b f
    assume "M(b)" "M(f)"
    show "lam_replacement(M, λx. μ i. x  if_range_F_else_F(λx. if M(x) then x else 0, b, f, i))"
    proof (cases "b=0")
      case True
      with M(f)
      show ?thesis
        using cardinal_lib_assms1
        by (simp_all; rule_tac lam_Least_assumption_ifM_b0)+
      case False
      with M(f) M(b)
      show ?thesis
      using cardinal_lib_assms1
      by (rule_tac lam_Least_assumption_ifM_bnot0)  auto
  note M(C)
  have  "w  (if M(x) then x else 0)  M(x)" for w x
    by (cases "M(x)") auto
  interpret M_cardinal_UN_lepoll _ "λc. if M(c) then c else 0" C
    using lepoll_assumptions
    by unfold_locales simp_all
  have "(if M(i) then i else 0) = i" if "iC" for i
    using transM[OF _ M(C)] that by simp
  show ?thesis
    using assms countable_rel_imp_countable_rel_UN by simp

end ― ‹localeM_cardinal_library

  uncountable_rel :: "[io,i]o" where
  "uncountable_rel(M,X)  ¬ countable_rel(M,X)"

context M_cardinal_library

lemma uncountable_rel_iff_nat_lt_cardinal_rel:
  "M(X)  uncountable_rel(M,X)  ω < |X|⇗M"
  using countable_rel_iff_cardinal_rel_le_nat not_le_iff_lt by simp

lemma uncountable_rel_not_empty: "uncountable_rel(M,X)  X  0"
  using empty_lepoll_relI by auto

lemma uncountable_rel_imp_Infinite: "uncountable_rel(M,X)  M(X)  Infinite(X)"
  using uncountable_rel_iff_nat_lt_cardinal_rel[of X] lepoll_rel_nat_imp_Infinite[of X]
    cardinal_rel_le_imp_lepoll_rel[of ω X] leI
  by simp

lemma uncountable_rel_not_subset_countable_rel:
  assumes "countable_rel(M,X)" "uncountable_rel(M,Y)" "M(X)" "M(Y)"
  shows "¬ (Y  X)"
  using assms lepoll_rel_trans subset_imp_lepoll_rel[of Y X]
  by blast

subsectionResults on Aleph\_rels

lemma nat_lt_Aleph_rel1: "ω < ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
  by (simp add: Aleph_rel_succ Aleph_rel_zero lt_csucc_rel)

lemma zero_lt_Aleph_rel1: "0 < ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
  by (rule lt_trans[of _ "ω"], auto simp add: ltI nat_lt_Aleph_rel1)

lemma le_Aleph_rel1_nat: "M(k)  Card_rel(M,k)  k<ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M k  ω"
  by (simp add: Aleph_rel_succ Aleph_rel_zero Card_rel_lt_csucc_rel_iff Card_rel_nat)

lemma lesspoll_rel_Aleph_rel_succ:
  assumes "Ord(α)"
    and types:"M(α)" "M(d)"
  shows "d ≺⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘succ(α)⇙⇗M d ≲⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘α⇙⇗M"
  using assms Aleph_rel_succ Card_rel_is_Ord Ord_Aleph_rel lesspoll_rel_csucc_rel
  by simp

lemma cardinal_rel_Aleph_rel [simp]: "Ord(α)  M(α)  |ℵ⇘α⇙⇗M⇖|⇗M= ℵ⇘α⇙⇗M"
  using Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq by simp

― ‹Could be proved without using AC
lemma Aleph_rel_lesspoll_rel_increasing:
  includes Aleph_rel_intros
  assumes "M(b)" "M(a)"
  shows "a < b  ℵ⇘a⇙⇗M⇖ ≺⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘b⇙⇗M"
  using assms
    cardinal_rel_lt_iff_lesspoll_rel[of "ℵ⇘a⇙⇗M" "ℵ⇘b⇙⇗M"]
    Aleph_rel_increasing[of a b] Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq[of "ℵ⇘b"]
    lt_Ord lt_Ord2 Card_rel_Aleph_rel[THEN Card_rel_is_Ord]
  by auto

lemma uncountable_rel_iff_subset_eqpoll_rel_Aleph_rel1:
  includes Ord_dests
  assumes "M(X)"
  notes Aleph_rel_zero[simp] Card_rel_nat[simp] Aleph_rel_succ[simp]
  shows "uncountable_rel(M,X)  (S[M]. S  X  S ≈⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M)"
  assume "uncountable_rel(M,X)"
  with M(X)
  have "ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M⇖ ≲⇗MX"
    using uncountable_rel_iff_nat_lt_cardinal_rel cardinal_rel_lt_csucc_rel_iff'
      cardinal_rel_le_imp_lepoll_rel by auto
  with M(X)
  obtain S where "M(S)" "S  X" "S ≈⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    using lepoll_rel_imp_subset_bij_rel by auto
  show "S[M]. S  X  S ≈⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    using cardinal_rel_cong Card_rel_csucc_rel[of ω] Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq by auto
  note Aleph_rel_lesspoll_rel_increasing[of 1 0,simplified]
  assume "S[M]. S  X  S ≈⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
  have eq:"ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M= (ω+)⇗M" by auto
  moreover from calculation M(X)
  have A:"(ω+)⇗M⇖ ≲⇗MX"
    using subset_imp_lepoll_rel[THEN [2] eq_lepoll_rel_trans, of "ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M" _ X,
        OF eqpoll_rel_sym] by auto
  with M(X)
  show "uncountable_rel(M,X)"
      lesspoll_rel_trans1[OF lepoll_rel_trans[OF A _] ω ≺⇗M(ω+)⇗M]
    by auto

lemma UN_if_zero: "M(K)  (xK. if M(x) then G ` x else 0) =(xK. G ` x)"
  using transM[of _ K] by auto

lemma mem_F_bound1:
  fixes F G
  defines "F  λ_ x. if M(x) then G`x else 0"
  shows "xF(A,c)  c  (range(f)  domain(G) )"
  using apply_0 unfolding F_def
  by (cases "M(c)", auto simp:F_def drSR_Y_def dC_F_def)

lemma lt_Aleph_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le_nat: "function(G)  domain(G) ≲⇗Mω 
   ndomain(G). |G`n|⇗M<ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M M(G)  |ndomain(G). G`n|⇗Mω"
proof -
  assume "M(G)"
  moreover from this
  have "x  (if M(i) then G ` i else 0)  M(i)" for x i
    by (cases "M(i)") auto
  have "separation(M, M)" unfolding separation_def by auto
  interpret M_replacement_lepoll M "λ_ x. if M(x) then G`x else 0"
    using lam_replacement_inj_rel cardinal_lib_assms2 mem_F_bound1[of _ _ G]
    by (unfold_locales, simp_all)
      (rule lam_Least_assumption_general[where U="λ_. domain(G)"], auto)
  note M(G)
  have  "w  (if M(x) then G ` x else 0)  M(x)" for w x
    by (cases "M(x)") auto
  interpret M_cardinal_UN_lepoll _  "λn. if M(n) then G`n else 0" "domain(G)"
    using lepoll_assumptions1[where S="domain(G)",unfolded lepoll_assumptions1_def]
      cardinal_lib_assms2 lepoll_assumptions
    by (unfold_locales, auto)
  assume "function(G)"
  let ?N="domain(G)" and ?R="ndomain(G). G`n"
  assume "?N ≲⇗Mω"
  assume Eq1: "n?N. |G`n|⇗M<ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    fix n
    assume "n?N"
    with Eq1 M(G)
    have "|G`n|⇗M ω"
      using le_Aleph_rel1_nat[of "|G ` n|⇗M"] leqpoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le
        UN_if_zero[of "domain(G)" G]
      by (auto dest:transM)
  have "n?N  |G`n|⇗M ω" for n .
  note ?N ≲⇗Mω M(G)
  have "(if M(i) then G ` i else 0)  G ` i" for i
    by auto
  with M(G)
  have "|if M(i) then G ` i else 0|⇗M |G ` i|⇗M" for i
  proof(cases "M(i)")
    case True
    with M(G) show ?thesis using Ord_cardinal_rel[OF apply_closed]
      by simp
    case False
    have "idomain(G)"
      using transM[OF _ domain_closed[OF M(G)]] by auto
    show ?thesis
      using Ord_cardinal_rel[OF apply_closed] apply_0 by simp
  show ?thesis
    using InfCard_rel_nat leqpoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le[of ω]
      UN_if_zero[of "domain(G)" G]
      le_trans[of "|if M(_) then G ` _ else 0|⇗M" "|G ` _|⇗M" ω]
    by auto blast

lemma Aleph_rel1_eq_cardinal_rel_vimage: "f:ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M⇖→⇗Mω  nω. |f-``{n}|⇗M= ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
proof -
  assume "f:ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M⇖→⇗Mω"
  have "function(f)" "domain(f) = ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M" "range(f)ω" "fℵ⇘1⇙⇗Mω" "M(f)"
    using mem_function_space_rel[OF f_] domain_of_fun fun_is_function range_fun_subset_codomain
    by auto
  let ?G="λnrange(f). f-``{n}"
  from f:ℵ⇘1⇙⇗Mω
  have "range(f)  ω" "domain(?G) = range(f)"
    using range_fun_subset_codomain
    by simp_all
  from f:ℵ⇘1⇙⇗Mω M(f) range(f)  ω
  have "M(f-``{n})" if "n  range(f)" for n
    using that transM[of _ ω] by auto
  with M(f) range(f)  ω
  have "domain(?G) ≲⇗Mω" "M(?G)"
    using subset_imp_lepoll_rel lam_closed[of "λx . f-``{x}"] cardinal_lib_assms4
    by simp_all
  have "function(?G)" by (simp add:function_lam)
  from f:ℵ⇘1⇙⇗Mω
  have "nω  f-``{n}  ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M" for n
    using Pi_vimage_subset by simp
  with range(f)  ω
  have "ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M= (nrange(f). f-``{n})"
  proof (intro equalityI, intro subsetI)
    fix x
    assume "x  ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    with f:ℵ⇘1⇙⇗Mω function(f) domain(f) = ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M
    have "x  f-``{f`x}" "f`x  range(f)"
      using function_apply_Pair vimage_iff apply_rangeI by simp_all
    show "x  (nrange(f). f-``{n})" by auto
  qed auto
    assume "nrange(f). |f-``{n}|⇗M< ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    have "ndomain(?G). |?G`n|⇗M< ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
      using zero_lt_Aleph_rel1 by (auto)
    with function(?G) domain(?G) ≲⇗Mω M(?G)
    have "|ndomain(?G). ?G`n|⇗Mω"
      using lt_Aleph_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le_nat[of ?G]
      by auto
    have "|nrange(f). f-``{n}|⇗Mω" by simp
    with ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M= _
    have "|ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M⇖|⇗M ω" by auto
    have "ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M ω"
      using Card_rel_Aleph_rel Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq
      by auto
    have "False"
      using nat_lt_Aleph_rel1 by (blast dest:lt_trans2)
  with range(f)ω M(f)
  obtain n where "nω" "¬(|f -`` {n}|⇗M< ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M)" "M(f -`` {n})"
    using nat_into_M by auto
  moreover from this
  have "ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M |f-``{n}|⇗M"
    using not_lt_iff_le Card_rel_is_Ord by simp
  note nω  f-``{n}  ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M
  show ?thesis
    using subset_imp_le_cardinal_rel[THEN le_anti_sym, of _ "ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"]
      Card_rel_Aleph_rel Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq
    by auto

― ‹There is some asymmetry between assumptions and conclusion
    (termeqpoll_rel versus termcardinal_rel)

lemma eqpoll_rel_Aleph_rel1_cardinal_rel_vimage:
  assumes "Z ≈⇗M(ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M)" "f  Z →⇗Mω" "M(Z)"
  shows "nω. |f-``{n}|⇗M= ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
proof -
  have "M(1)" "M(ω)" by simp_all
  have "M(ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M)" by simp
  with assms M(1)
  obtain g where A:"gbij_rel(M,ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M,Z)" "M(g)"
    using eqpoll_rel_sym unfolding eqpoll_rel_def by blast
  with f : Z →⇗Mω assms
  have "M(f)" "converse(g)  bij_rel(M,Z, ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M)" "fZω" "g ℵ⇘1⇙⇗MZ"
    using bij_rel_is_fun_rel bij_rel_converse_bij_rel bij_rel_char function_space_rel_char
    by simp_all
  with gbij_rel(M,ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M,Z) M(g)
  have "f O g : ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M⇖ →⇗Mω" "M(converse(g))"
    using comp_fun[OF _ f Z_,of g] function_space_rel_char
    by simp_all
  obtain n where "nω" "|(f O g)-``{n}|⇗M= ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    using Aleph_rel1_eq_cardinal_rel_vimage
    by auto
  with M(f) M(converse(g))
  have "M(converse(g) `` (f -`` {n}))" "f -`` {n}  Z"
    using image_comp converse_comp Pi_iff[THEN iffD1,OF fZω] vimage_subset
    unfolding vimage_def
    using transM[OF nω]
    by auto
  from nω |(f O g)-``{n}|⇗M= ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M
  have "ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M= |converse(g) `` (f -``{n})|⇗M"
    using image_comp converse_comp unfolding vimage_def
    by auto
  also from converse(g)  bij_rel(M,Z, ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M) f: Z→⇗Mω M(Z) M(f) M(ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M)
    M(converse(g) `` (f -`` {n}))
  have " = |f -``{n}|⇗M"
    using range_of_subset_eqpoll_rel[of "converse(g)" Z  _ "f -``{n}",
        OF bij_rel_is_inj_rel[OF converse(g)_] f -`` {n}  Z]
      cardinal_rel_cong vimage_closed[OF singleton_closed[OF transM[OF nω]],of f]
    by auto
  show ?thesis using n_ by auto

subsectionApplications of transfinite recursive constructions

  rec_constr :: "[i,i]  i" where
  "rec_constr(f,α)  transrec(α,λa g. f`(g``a))"

textThe function termrec_constr allows to perform recursive
     constructions: given a choice function on the powerset of some
     set, a transfinite sequence is created by successively choosing
     some new element.

     The next result explains its use.

lemma rec_constr_unfold: "rec_constr(f,α) = f`({rec_constr(f,β). βα})"
  using def_transrec[OF rec_constr_def, of f α] image_lam by simp

lemma rec_constr_type:
  assumes "f:Pow_rel(M,G)→⇗MG" "Ord(α)" "M(G)"
  shows "M(α)  rec_constr(f,α)  G"
  using assms(2)
proof(induct rule:trans_induct)
  case (step β)
  with assms
  have "{rec_constr(f, x) . x  β} = {y . x  β, y=rec_constr(f, x)}" (is "_ = ?Y")
    using transM[OF _ M(β)] function_space_rel_char  Ord_in_Ord
    by auto
  moreover from assms this step M(β) Ord(β)
  have "M({y . x  β, y=<x,rec_constr(f, x)>})" (is "M(?Z)")
    using strong_replacement_closed[OF cardinal_lib_assms6(1),of f β β,OF _ _ _ _
      univalent_conjI2[where P="λx _ . xβ",OF univalent_triv]]
      transM[OF _ M(β)] transM[OF step(2) M(G)] Ord_in_Ord
    unfolding rec_constr_def
    by auto
  moreover from assms this step M(β) Ord(β)
  have "?Y = {snd(y) . y?Z}"
  proof(intro equalityI, auto)
    fix u
    assume "uβ"
    with assms this step M(β) Ord(β)
    have "<u,rec_constr(f,u)>  ?Z"  "rec_constr(f, u) = snd(<u,rec_constr(f,u)>)"
      by auto
    show "x{y . x  β, y = x, rec_constr(f, x)}. rec_constr(f, u) = snd(x)"
      using bexI[of _ u] by force
  moreover from M(?Z) ?Y = _
  have "M(?Y)"
      RepFun_closed[OF lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[OF lam_replacement_snd] M(?Z)]
      fst_snd_closed[THEN conjunct2] transM[OF _ M(?Z)]
    by simp
  moreover from assms step
  have "{rec_constr(f, x) . x  β}  Pow(G)" (is "?X_")
    using transM[OF _ M(β)] function_space_rel_char
    by auto
  moreover from assms calculation step
  have "M(?X)"
    by simp
  moreover from calculation M(G)
  have "?XPow_rel(M,G)"
    using Pow_rel_char by simp
  have "f`?X  G"
    using assms apply_type[OF mem_function_space_rel[of f],of "Pow_rel(M,G)" G ?X]
    by auto
  show ?case
    by (subst rec_constr_unfold,simp)

lemma rec_constr_closed :
  assumes "f:Pow_rel(M,G)→⇗MG" "Ord(α)" "M(G)" "M(α)"
  shows "M(rec_constr(f,α))"
  using transM[OF rec_constr_type M(G)] assms by auto

lemma lambda_rec_constr_closed :
  assumes "Ord(γ)" "M(γ)" "M(f)" "f:Pow_rel(M,G)→⇗MG" "M(G)"
  shows "M(λαγ . rec_constr(f,α))"
  using lam_closed2[OF cardinal_lib_assms6(1),unfolded rec_constr_def[symmetric],of f γ]
    rec_constr_type[OF f_ Ord_in_Ord[of γ]] transM[OF _ M(G)] assms
  by simp

textThe next lemma is an application of recursive constructions.
     It works under the assumption that whenever the already constructed
     subsequence is small enough, another element can be added.

―‹FIXME: these should be postulated in some locale.›

lemma bounded_cardinal_rel_selection:
  includes Ord_dests
    "Z. |Z|⇗M< γ  Z  G  M(Z)  aG. sZ. <s,a>Q" "bG" "Card_rel(M,γ)"
    "M(G)" "M(Q)" "M(γ)"
    "S[M]. S : γ →⇗MG  (α  γ. β  γ.  α<β  <S`α,S`β>Q)"
proof -
  from assms
  have "M(x)  M({a  G . sx. s, a  Q})" for x
    using cdlt_assms' by simp
  let ?cdltγ="{ZPow_rel(M,G) . |Z|⇗M<γ}" ― ‹“cardinal\_rel less than termγ
    and ?inQ="λY.{aG. sY. <s,a>Q}"
  from M(G) Card_rel(M,γ) M(γ)
  have "M(?cdltγ)" "Ord(γ)"
    using cardinal_lib_assms5[OF M(γ)] Card_rel_is_Ord
    by simp_all
  from assms
  have H:"a. a  ?inQ(Y)" if "Y?cdltγ" for Y
  proof -
      fix Y
      assume "Y?cdltγ"
      have A:"YPow_rel(M,G)" "|Y|⇗M<γ"  by simp_all
      have "YG" "M(Y)" using Pow_rel_char[OF M(G)] by simp_all
      with A
      obtain a where "aG" "sY. <s,a>Q"
        using assms(1) by force
      with M(G)
      have "a. a  ?inQ(Y)" by auto
    then show ?thesis using that by simp
  have "f[M]. f  Pi_rel(M,?cdltγ,?inQ)  f  Pi(?cdltγ,?inQ)"
  proof -
    from x. M(x)  M({a  G . sx. s, a  Q}) M(G)
    have "x  {Z  Pow⇗M⇖(G) . |Z|⇗M< γ}  M({a  G . sx. s, a  Q})" for x
      by (auto dest:transM)
    withM(G) x. M(x)  M({a  G . sx. s, a  Q}) M(Q) M(?cdltγ)
    interpret M_Pi_assumptions_choice M ?cdltγ ?inQ
      using cdlt_assms[where Q=Q] lam_replacement_Collect_ball_Pair[THEN
          lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement] surj_imp_inj_replacement3
        lam_replacement_hcomp2[OF lam_replacement_constant
          lam_replacement_Collect_ball_Pair _ _ lam_replacement_minimum,
          unfolded lam_replacement_def]
        lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_Sigfun[OF
          lam_replacement_Collect_ball_Pair, of G Q, THEN
          lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement] cdlt_assms'
      by unfold_locales (blast dest: transM, auto dest:transM)
    show ?thesis using AC_Pi_rel Pi_rel_char H by auto
  obtain f where f_type:"f  Pi_rel(M,?cdltγ,?inQ)" "f  Pi(?cdltγ,?inQ)" and "M(f)"
    by auto
  define Cb where "Cb  λ_Pow_rel(M,G)-?cdltγ. b"
  moreover from bG M(?cdltγ) M(G)
  have "Cb  Pow_rel(M,G)-?cdltγ  G" "M(Cb)"
    using lam_closed[of "λ_.b" "Pow_rel(M,G)-?cdltγ"]
      tag_replacement transM[OF bG]
    unfolding Cb_def by auto
  note Card_rel(M,γ)
  have "f  Cb : (xPow_rel(M,G). ?inQ(x)  G)" using
      fun_Pi_disjoint_Un[ of f ?cdltγ  ?inQ Cb "Pow_rel(M,G)-?cdltγ" "λ_.G"]
      Diff_partition[of "{ZPow_rel(M,G). |Z|⇗M<γ}" "Pow_rel(M,G)", OF Collect_subset]
    by auto
  have "?inQ(x)  G = G" for x by auto
  moreover from calculation
  have "f  Cb : Pow_rel(M,G)  G"
    using function_space_rel_char by simp
  have "f  Cb : Pow_rel(M,G) →⇗MG"
    using function_space_rel_char M(f) M(Cb) Pow_rel_closed M(G)
    by auto
  define S where "Sλαγ. rec_constr(f  Cb, α)"
  from f  Cb: Pow_rel(M,G) →⇗MG Card_rel(M,γ) M(γ) M(G)
  have "S : γ  G" "M(f  Cb)"
    unfolding S_def
    using Ord_in_Ord[OF Card_rel_is_Ord] rec_constr_type lam_type transM[OF _ M(γ)]
    by auto
  moreover from fCb  _→⇗MG Card_rel(M,γ) M(γ) M(G) M(f  Cb) Ord(γ)
  have "M(S)"
    unfolding S_def
    using lambda_rec_constr_closed
    by simp
  have "αγ. βγ. α < β  <S ` α, S ` β>Q"
  proof (intro ballI impI)
    fix α β
    assume "βγ"
    with Card_rel(M,γ) M(S) M(γ)
    have "βγ" "M(S``β)" "M(β)" "{S`x . x  β} = {restrict(S,β)`x . x  β}"
      using transM[OF βγ M(γ)] image_closed Card_rel_is_Ord OrdmemD
      by auto
    with β_ Card_rel(M,γ) M(γ)
    have "{rec_constr(f  Cb, x) . xβ} = {S`x . x  β}"
      using Ord_trans[OF _ _ Card_rel_is_Ord, of _ β γ]
      unfolding S_def
      by auto
    moreover from βγ S : γ  G Card_rel(M,γ) M(γ) M(S``β)
    have "{S`x . x  β}  G" "M({S`x . x  β})"
      using Ord_trans[OF _ _ Card_rel_is_Ord, of _ β γ]
        apply_type[of S γ "λ_. G"]
      by(auto,simp add:image_fun_subset[OF S_ β_])
    moreover from Card_rel(M,γ) βγ S_ βγ M(S) M(β) M(G) M(γ)
    have "|{S`x . x  β}|⇗M< γ"
        {S`x . xβ} = {restrict(S,β)`x . xβ}[symmetric]
        cardinal_rel_RepFun_apply_le[of "restrict(S,β)" β G,
            OF restrict_type2[of S γ "λ_.G" β] restrict_closed]
        Ord_in_Ord Ord_cardinal_rel
        lt_trans1[of "|{S`x . x  β}|⇗M" "|β|⇗M" γ]
        Card_rel_lt_iff[THEN iffD2, of β γ, OF _ _ _ _ ltI]
      by auto
    have "xβ. <S`x, f ` {S`x . x  β}>  Q"
    proof -
      from calculation and f_type
      have "f ` {S`x . x  β}  {aG. xβ. <S`x,a>Q}"
        using apply_type[of f ?cdltγ ?inQ "{S`x . x  β}"]
            Pow_rel_char[OF M(G)]
        by simp
      show ?thesis by simp
    assume "αγ" "α < β"
    moreover from this
    have "αβ" using ltD by simp
    note βγ Cb  Pow_rel(M,G)-?cdltγ  G
    show "<S ` α, S ` β>Q"
      using fun_disjoint_apply1[of "{S`x . x  β}" Cb f]
        domain_of_fun[of Cb] ltD[of α β]
       by (subst (2) S_def, auto) (subst rec_constr_unfold, auto)
   note M(G) M(γ)
  show ?thesis using function_space_rel_char by auto

textThe following basic result can, in turn, be proved by a
     bounded-cardinal\_rel selection.
lemma Infinite_iff_lepoll_rel_nat: "M(Z)  Infinite(Z)  ω ≲⇗MZ"
  define Distinct where "Distinct = {<x,y>  Z×Z . xy}"
  have "Distinct = {xy  Z×Z . a b. xy = a, b  a  b}" (is "_=?A")
    unfolding Distinct_def by auto
  assume "Infinite(Z)" "M(Z)"
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(Distinct)"
     using cardinal_lib_assms6 separation_dist by simp
  from Infinite(Z) M(Z)
  obtain b where "bZ"
    using Infinite_not_empty by auto
    fix Y
    assume "|Y|⇗M< ω" "M(Y)"
    have "Finite(Y)"
      using Finite_cardinal_rel_iff' ltD nat_into_Finite by auto
    with Infinite(Z)
    have "Z  Y" by auto
  have "(W. M(W)  |W|⇗M< ω  W  Z  aZ. sW. <s,a>Distinct)"
  proof -
    fix W
    assume "M(W)" "|W|⇗M< ω" "W  Z"
    moreover from this
    have "Finite_rel(M,W)"
        cardinal_rel_closed[OF M(W)] Card_rel_nat
        lt_Card_rel_imp_lesspoll_rel[of ω,simplified,OF _ |W|⇗M< ω]
        lesspoll_rel_nat_is_Finite_rel[of W]
        eqpoll_rel_imp_lepoll_rel eqpoll_rel_sym[OF cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel,of W]
        lesspoll_rel_trans1[of W "|W|⇗M" ω] by auto
      moreover from calculation
    have "¬ZW"
      using equalityI Infinite(Z) by auto
    moreover from calculation
    show "aZ. sW. <s,a>Distinct"
      unfolding Distinct_def by auto
  moreover from bZ M(Z) M(Distinct) this
  obtain S where "S : ω →⇗MZ" "M(S)" "αω. βω. α < β  <S`α,S`β>  Distinct"
    using bounded_cardinal_rel_selection[OF _ bZ Card_rel_nat,of Distinct]
    by blast
  moreover from this
  have "α  ω  β  ω  αβ  S`α  S`β" for α β
    unfolding Distinct_def
    by (rule_tac lt_neq_symmetry[of "ω" "λα β. S`α  S`β"])
  moreover from this S_ M(Z)
  have "Sinj(ω,Z)" using function_space_rel_char unfolding inj_def by auto
  show "ω ≲⇗MZ"
    unfolding lepoll_rel_def using inj_rel_char M(Z) by auto
  assume "ω ≲⇗MZ" "M(Z)"
  show "Infinite(Z)" using lepoll_rel_nat_imp_Infinite by simp

lemma Infinite_InfCard_rel_cardinal_rel: "Infinite(Z)  M(Z)  InfCard_rel(M,|Z|⇗M)"
  using lepoll_rel_eq_trans eqpoll_rel_sym lepoll_rel_nat_imp_Infinite
    Infinite_iff_lepoll_rel_nat Inf_Card_rel_is_InfCard_rel cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel
  by simp

lemma (in M_trans) mem_F_bound2:
  fixes F A
  defines "F  λ_ x. if M(x) then A-``{x} else 0"
  shows "xF(A,c)  c  (range(f)  range(A))"
  using apply_0 unfolding F_def
  by (cases "M(c)", auto simp:F_def drSR_Y_def dC_F_def)

lemma Finite_to_one_rel_surj_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_eq:
  assumes "F  Finite_to_one_rel(M,Z,Y)  surj_rel(M,Z,Y)" "Infinite(Z)" "M(Z)" "M(Y)"
  shows "|Y|⇗M= |Z|⇗M"
proof -
  have sep_true: "separation(M, M)" unfolding separation_def by auto
  note M(Z) M(Y)
  moreover from this assms
  have "M(F)" "F  Z  Y"
    unfolding Finite_to_one_rel_def
    using function_space_rel_char by simp_all
  moreover from this
  have "x  (if M(i) then F -`` {i} else 0)  M(i)" for x i
    by (cases "M(i)") auto
  moreover from calculation
  interpret M_replacement_lepoll M "λ_ x. if M(x) then F-``{x} else 0"
    using lam_replacement_inj_rel mem_F_bound2 cardinal_lib_assms3
      lam_replacement_if[OF _
        lam_replacement_constant[OF nonempty],where b=M] sep_true
    by (unfold_locales, simp_all)
      (rule lam_Least_assumption_general[where U="λ_. range(F)"], auto)
  have "w  (if M(y) then F-``{y} else 0)  M(y)" for w y
    by (cases "M(y)") auto
  moreover from F__
  have 0:"Finite(F-``{y})" if "yY" for y
    unfolding Finite_to_one_rel_def
    using vimage_fun_sing FZY transM[OF that M(Y)] transM[OF _ M(Z)] that by simp
  interpret M_cardinal_UN_lepoll _ "λy. if M(y) then F-``{y} else 0" Y
    using cardinal_lib_assms3 lepoll_assumptions
    by unfold_locales  (auto dest:transM simp del:mem_inj_abs)
  from FZY
  have "Z = (yY. {xZ . F`x = y})"
    using apply_type by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "Finite(Y)")
    case True
    with Z = (yY. {xZ . F`x = y}) and assms and FZY
    show ?thesis
      using Finite_RepFun[THEN [2] Finite_Union, of Y "λy. F-``{y}"] 0 vimage_fun_sing[OF FZY]
      by simp
    case False
    moreover from this M(Y)
    have "Y ≲⇗M|Y|⇗M"
      using cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel eqpoll_rel_sym eqpoll_rel_imp_lepoll_rel by auto
    note assms
    moreover from F__
    have "Finite({xZ . F`x = y})" "M(F-``{y})" if "yY" for y
      unfolding Finite_to_one_rel_def
      using transM[OF that  M(Y)] transM[OF _ M(Z)] vimage_fun_sing[OF FZY] that
      by simp_all
    moreover from calculation
    have "|{xZ . F`x = y}|⇗M ω" if "yY" for y
      using Finite_cardinal_rel_in_nat that transM[OF that M(Y)] vimage_fun_sing[OF FZY] that
      by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "|{xZ . F`x = y}|⇗M |Y|⇗M" if "yY" for y
      using Infinite_imp_nats_lepoll_rel[THEN lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le,
              of _ "|{xZ . F`x = y}|⇗M"]
         that cardinal_rel_idem transM[OF that M(Y)] vimage_fun_sing[OF FZY]
      by auto
    have "|yY. {xZ . F`x = y}|⇗M |Y|⇗M"
      using leqpoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_UN_le
        Infinite_InfCard_rel_cardinal_rel[of Y] vimage_fun_sing[OF FZY]
      by(auto simp add:transM[OF _ M(Y)])
    moreover from F  Finite_to_one_rel(M,Z,Y)  surj_rel(M,Z,Y) M(Z) M(F) M(Y)
    have "|Y|⇗M |Z|⇗M"
      using surj_rel_implies_cardinal_rel_le by auto
    note Z = (yY. {xZ . F`x = y})
    show ?thesis
      using le_anti_sym by auto

lemma cardinal_rel_map_Un:
  assumes "Infinite(X)" "Finite(b)" "M(X)" "M(b)"
  shows "|{a  b . a  X}|⇗M= |X|⇗M"
proof -
  have "(λaX. a  b)  Finite_to_one_rel(M,X,{a  b . a  X})"
    "(λaX. a  b)   surj_rel(M,X,{a  b . a  X})"
    "M({a  b . a  X})"
    unfolding def_surj_rel
    fix d
    have "Finite({a  X . a  b = d})" (is "Finite(?Y(b,d))")
      using Finite(b)
    proof (induct arbitrary:d)
      case 0
      have "{a  X . a  0 = d} = (if dX then {d} else 0)"
        by auto
      show ?case by simp
      case (cons c b)
      from c  b
      have "?Y(cons(c,b),d)  (if cd then ?Y(b,d)  ?Y(b,d-{c}) else 0)"
        by auto
      with cons
      show ?case
        using subset_Finite
        by simp
    assume "d  {x  b . x  X}"
    show "Finite({a  X . M(a)  (λxX. x  b) ` a = d})"
      using subset_Finite[of "{a  X . M(a)  (λxX. x  b) ` a = d}"
          "{a  X . (λxX. x  b) ` a = d}"] by auto
    note M(X) M(b)
    show "M(λaX. a  b)"
      using lam_closed[of "λ x . xb",OF _ M(X)] Un_closed[OF transM[OF _ M(X)] M(b)]
        tag_union_replacement[OF M(b)]
      by simp
    moreover from this
    have "{a  b . a  X} = (λxX. x  b) `` X"
      using image_lam by simp
    with calculation
    show "M({a  b . a  X})" by auto
    moreover from calculation
    show "(λaX. a  b)  X →⇗M{a  b . a  X}"
      using function_space_rel_char by (auto intro:lam_funtype)
    show "(λaX. a  b)  surj⇗M⇖(X,{a  b . a  X})" "M({a  b . a  X})"
      using surj_rel_char function_space_rel_char
      unfolding surj_def by auto
  qed (simp add:M(X))
  moreover from assms this
  show ?thesis
    using Finite_to_one_rel_surj_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_eq by simp

subsectionResults on relative cardinal exponentiation

lemma cexp_rel_eqpoll_rel_cong:
    "A ≈⇗MA'" "B ≈⇗MB'" "M(A)" "M(A')" "M(B)" "M(B')"
    "A⇗↑B,M= A'⇗↑B',M"
  unfolding cexp_rel_def using cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel_iff
    function_space_rel_eqpoll_rel_cong assms
  by simp

lemma cexp_rel_cexp_rel_cmult:
  assumes "M(κ)" "M(ν1)" "M(ν2)"
  shows "(κ⇗↑ν1,M)⇗↑ν2,M= κ⇗↑ν2 ⊗⇗Mν1,M"
proof -
  have "(κ⇗↑ν1,M)⇗↑ν2,M= (ν1 →⇗Mκ)⇗↑ν2,M"
    using cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel
    by (intro cexp_rel_eqpoll_rel_cong) (simp_all add:assms cexp_rel_def)
  also from assms
  have "  = κ⇗↑ν2 × ν1,M"
    unfolding cexp_rel_def using curry_eqpoll_rel[THEN cardinal_rel_cong] by blast
  have "  = κ⇗↑ν2 ⊗⇗Mν1,M"
    using cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel[THEN eqpoll_rel_sym]
    unfolding cmult_rel_def by (intro cexp_rel_eqpoll_rel_cong) (auto simp add:assms)
  show ?thesis .

lemma cardinal_rel_Pow_rel: "M(X)  |Pow_rel(M,X)|⇗M= 2⇗↑X,M" ― ‹Perhaps it's better with |X|
  using cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel_iff[THEN iffD2,
      OF _ _ Pow_rel_eqpoll_rel_function_space_rel]
  unfolding cexp_rel_def by simp

lemma cantor_cexp_rel:
  assumes "Card_rel(M,ν)" "M(ν)"
  shows "ν < 2⇗↑ν,M"
  using assms Card_rel_is_Ord Card_rel_cexp_rel
proof (intro not_le_iff_lt[THEN iffD1] notI)
  assume "2⇗↑ν,M ν"
  with assms
  have "|Pow_rel(M,ν)|⇗M ν"
    using cardinal_rel_Pow_rel[of ν] by simp
  with assms
  have "Pow_rel(M,ν) ≲⇗Mν"
    using cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel_iff Card_rel_le_imp_lepoll_rel Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq
    by auto
  obtain g where "g  inj_rel(M,Pow_rel(M,ν), ν)"
    by blast
  note M(ν)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(g)" by (auto dest:transM)
  show "False"
    using cantor_inj_rel by simp
qed simp

lemma countable_iff_le_rel_Aleph_rel_one:
  notes iff_trans[trans]
  assumes "M(C)"
  shows "countable⇗M⇖(C)  |C|⇗M⇖ ≺⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
proof -
  have "countable⇗M⇖(C)  C ≺⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    using assms lesspoll_rel_csucc_rel[of ω C] Aleph_rel_succ Aleph_rel_zero
    unfolding countable_rel_def by simp
  also from assms
  have "  |C|⇗M⇖ ≺⇗M⇖ ℵ⇘1⇙⇗M"
    using cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel[THEN eqpoll_rel_sym, THEN eq_lesspoll_rel_trans]
    by (auto intro:cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel[THEN eq_lesspoll_rel_trans])
  show ?thesis .

end ― ‹localeM_cardinal_library

(* FIXME: This can be generalized. *)
lemma (in M_cardinal_library) countable_fun_imp_countable_image:
  assumes "f:C →⇗MB" "countable⇗M⇖(C)" "c. cC  countable⇗M⇖(f`c)"
    "M(C)" "M(B)"
  shows "countable⇗M⇖((f``C))"
  using assms function_space_rel_char image_fun[of f]
    cardinal_rel_RepFun_apply_le[of f C B]
    countable_rel_iff_cardinal_rel_le_nat[THEN iffD1, THEN [2] le_trans, of _ ]
  by (rule_tac countable_rel_union_countable_rel)
    (auto dest:transM del:imageE)
