section‹Functions, Function Spaces, Lambda-Abstraction›
theory func imports equalities Sum begin
subsection‹The Pi Operator: Dependent Function Space›
lemma subset_Sigma_imp_relation: "r ⊆ Sigma(A,B) ==> relation(r)"
by (simp add: relation_def, blast)
lemma relation_converse_converse [simp]:
"relation(r) ==> converse(converse(r)) = r"
by (simp add: relation_def, blast)
lemma relation_restrict [simp]: "relation(restrict(r,A))"
by (simp add: restrict_def relation_def, blast)
lemma Pi_iff:
"f ∈ Pi(A,B) ⟷ function(f) & f<=Sigma(A,B) & A<=domain(f)"
by (unfold Pi_def, blast)
lemma Pi_iff_old:
"f ∈ Pi(A,B) ⟷ f<=Sigma(A,B) & (∀x∈A. ∃!y. <x,y>: f)"
by (unfold Pi_def function_def, blast)
lemma fun_is_function: "f ∈ Pi(A,B) ==> function(f)"
by (simp only: Pi_iff)
lemma function_imp_Pi:
"[|function(f); relation(f)|] ==> f ∈ domain(f) -> range(f)"
by (simp add: Pi_iff relation_def, blast)
lemma functionI:
"[| !!x y y'. [| <x,y>:r; <x,y'>:r |] ==> y=y' |] ==> function(r)"
by (simp add: function_def, blast)
lemma fun_is_rel: "f ∈ Pi(A,B) ==> f ⊆ Sigma(A,B)"
by (unfold Pi_def, blast)
lemma Pi_cong:
"[| A=A'; !!x. x ∈ A' ==> B(x)=B'(x) |] ==> Pi(A,B) = Pi(A',B')"
by (simp add: Pi_def cong add: Sigma_cong)
lemma fun_weaken_type: "[| f ∈ A->B; B<=D |] ==> f ∈ A->D"
by (unfold Pi_def, best)
subsection‹Function Application›
lemma apply_equality2: "[| <a,b>: f; <a,c>: f; f ∈ Pi(A,B) |] ==> b=c"
by (unfold Pi_def function_def, blast)
lemma function_apply_equality: "[| <a,b>: f; function(f) |] ==> f`a = b"
by (unfold apply_def function_def, blast)
lemma apply_equality: "[| <a,b>: f; f ∈ Pi(A,B) |] ==> f`a = b"
apply (unfold Pi_def)
apply (blast intro: function_apply_equality)
lemma apply_0: "a ∉ domain(f) ==> f`a = 0"
by (unfold apply_def, blast)
lemma Pi_memberD: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); c ∈ f |] ==> ∃x∈A. c = <x,f`x>"
apply (frule fun_is_rel)
apply (blast dest: apply_equality)
lemma function_apply_Pair: "[| function(f); a ∈ domain(f)|] ==> <a,f`a>: f"
apply (simp add: function_def, clarify)
apply (subgoal_tac "f`a = y", blast)
apply (simp add: apply_def, blast)
lemma apply_Pair: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); a ∈ A |] ==> <a,f`a>: f"
apply (simp add: Pi_iff)
apply (blast intro: function_apply_Pair)
lemma apply_type [TC]: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); a ∈ A |] ==> f`a ∈ B(a)"
by (blast intro: apply_Pair dest: fun_is_rel)
lemma apply_funtype: "[| f ∈ A->B; a ∈ A |] ==> f`a ∈ B"
by (blast dest: apply_type)
lemma apply_iff: "f ∈ Pi(A,B) ==> <a,b>: f ⟷ a ∈ A & f`a = b"
apply (frule fun_is_rel)
apply (blast intro!: apply_Pair apply_equality)
lemma Pi_type: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,C); !!x. x ∈ A ==> f`x ∈ B(x) |] ==> f ∈ Pi(A,B)"
apply (simp only: Pi_iff)
apply (blast dest: function_apply_equality)
lemma Pi_Collect_iff:
"(f ∈ Pi(A, %x. {y ∈ B(x). P(x,y)}))
⟷ f ∈ Pi(A,B) & (∀x∈A. P(x, f`x))"
by (blast intro: Pi_type dest: apply_type)
lemma Pi_weaken_type:
"[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); !!x. x ∈ A ==> B(x)<=C(x) |] ==> f ∈ Pi(A,C)"
by (blast intro: Pi_type dest: apply_type)
lemma domain_type: "[| <a,b> ∈ f; f ∈ Pi(A,B) |] ==> a ∈ A"
by (blast dest: fun_is_rel)
lemma range_type: "[| <a,b> ∈ f; f ∈ Pi(A,B) |] ==> b ∈ B(a)"
by (blast dest: fun_is_rel)
lemma Pair_mem_PiD: "[| <a,b>: f; f ∈ Pi(A,B) |] ==> a ∈ A & b ∈ B(a) & f`a = b"
by (blast intro: domain_type range_type apply_equality)
subsection‹Lambda Abstraction›
lemma lamI: "a ∈ A ==> <a,b(a)> ∈ (λx∈A. b(x))"
apply (unfold lam_def)
apply (erule RepFunI)
lemma lamE:
"[| p: (λx∈A. b(x)); !!x.[| x ∈ A; p=<x,b(x)> |] ==> P
|] ==> P"
by (simp add: lam_def, blast)
lemma lamD: "[| <a,c>: (λx∈A. b(x)) |] ==> c = b(a)"
by (simp add: lam_def)
lemma lam_type [TC]:
"[| !!x. x ∈ A ==> b(x): B(x) |] ==> (λx∈A. b(x)) ∈ Pi(A,B)"
by (simp add: lam_def Pi_def function_def, blast)
lemma lam_funtype: "(λx∈A. b(x)) ∈ A -> {b(x). x ∈ A}"
by (blast intro: lam_type)
lemma function_lam: "function (λx∈A. b(x))"
by (simp add: function_def lam_def)
lemma relation_lam: "relation (λx∈A. b(x))"
by (simp add: relation_def lam_def)
lemma beta_if [simp]: "(λx∈A. b(x)) ` a = (if a ∈ A then b(a) else 0)"
by (simp add: apply_def lam_def, blast)
lemma beta: "a ∈ A ==> (λx∈A. b(x)) ` a = b(a)"
by (simp add: apply_def lam_def, blast)
lemma lam_empty [simp]: "(λx∈0. b(x)) = 0"
by (simp add: lam_def)
lemma domain_lam [simp]: "domain(Lambda(A,b)) = A"
by (simp add: lam_def, blast)
lemma lam_cong [cong]:
"[| A=A'; !!x. x ∈ A' ==> b(x)=b'(x) |] ==> Lambda(A,b) = Lambda(A',b')"
by (simp only: lam_def cong add: RepFun_cong)
lemma lam_theI:
"(!!x. x ∈ A ==> ∃!y. Q(x,y)) ==> ∃f. ∀x∈A. Q(x, f`x)"
apply (rule_tac x = "λx∈A. THE y. Q (x,y)" in exI)
apply simp
apply (blast intro: theI)
lemma lam_eqE: "[| (λx∈A. f(x)) = (λx∈A. g(x)); a ∈ A |] ==> f(a)=g(a)"
by (fast intro!: lamI elim: equalityE lamE)
lemma Pi_empty1 [simp]: "Pi(0,A) = {0}"
by (unfold Pi_def function_def, blast)
lemma singleton_fun [simp]: "{<a,b>} ∈ {a} -> {b}"
by (unfold Pi_def function_def, blast)
lemma Pi_empty2 [simp]: "(A->0) = (if A=0 then {0} else 0)"
by (unfold Pi_def function_def, force)
lemma fun_space_empty_iff [iff]: "(A->X)=0 ⟷ X=0 & (A ≠ 0)"
apply auto
apply (fast intro!: equals0I intro: lam_type)
lemma fun_subset:
"[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); g ∈ Pi(C,D); A<=C;
!!x. x ∈ A ==> f`x = g`x |] ==> f<=g"
by (force dest: Pi_memberD intro: apply_Pair)
lemma fun_extension:
"[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); g ∈ Pi(A,D);
!!x. x ∈ A ==> f`x = g`x |] ==> f=g"
by (blast del: subsetI intro: subset_refl sym fun_subset)
lemma eta [simp]: "f ∈ Pi(A,B) ==> (λx∈A. f`x) = f"
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply (auto simp add: lam_type apply_type beta)
lemma fun_extension_iff:
"[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); g ∈ Pi(A,C) |] ==> (∀a∈A. f`a = g`a) ⟷ f=g"
by (blast intro: fun_extension)
lemma fun_subset_eq: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); g ∈ Pi(A,C) |] ==> f ⊆ g ⟷ (f = g)"
by (blast dest: apply_Pair
intro: fun_extension apply_equality [symmetric])
lemma Pi_lamE:
assumes major: "f ∈ Pi(A,B)"
and minor: "!!b. [| ∀x∈A. b(x):B(x); f = (λx∈A. b(x)) |] ==> P"
shows "P"
apply (rule minor)
apply (rule_tac [2] eta [symmetric])
apply (blast intro: major apply_type)+
subsection‹Images of Functions›
lemma image_lam: "C ⊆ A ==> (λx∈A. b(x)) `` C = {b(x). x ∈ C}"
by (unfold lam_def, blast)
lemma Repfun_function_if:
==> {f`x. x ∈ C} = (if C ⊆ domain(f) then f``C else cons(0,f``C))"
apply simp
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply (blast dest: function_apply_equality intro: function_apply_Pair)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (blast intro!: function_apply_Pair apply_0)
apply (blast dest: function_apply_equality intro: apply_0 [symmetric])
lemma image_function:
"[| function(f); C ⊆ domain(f) |] ==> f``C = {f`x. x ∈ C}"
by (simp add: Repfun_function_if)
lemma image_fun: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); C ⊆ A |] ==> f``C = {f`x. x ∈ C}"
apply (simp add: Pi_iff)
apply (blast intro: image_function)
lemma image_eq_UN:
assumes f: "f ∈ Pi(A,B)" "C ⊆ A" shows "f``C = (⋃x∈C. {f ` x})"
by (auto simp add: image_fun [OF f])
lemma Pi_image_cons:
"[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); x ∈ A |] ==> f `` cons(x,y) = cons(f`x, f``y)"
by (blast dest: apply_equality apply_Pair)
subsection‹Properties of \<^term>‹restrict(f,A)››
lemma restrict_subset: "restrict(f,A) ⊆ f"
by (unfold restrict_def, blast)
lemma function_restrictI:
"function(f) ==> function(restrict(f,A))"
by (unfold restrict_def function_def, blast)
lemma restrict_type2: "[| f ∈ Pi(C,B); A<=C |] ==> restrict(f,A) ∈ Pi(A,B)"
by (simp add: Pi_iff function_def restrict_def, blast)
lemma restrict: "restrict(f,A) ` a = (if a ∈ A then f`a else 0)"
by (simp add: apply_def restrict_def, blast)
lemma restrict_empty [simp]: "restrict(f,0) = 0"
by (unfold restrict_def, simp)
lemma restrict_iff: "z ∈ restrict(r,A) ⟷ z ∈ r & (∃x∈A. ∃y. z = ⟨x, y⟩)"
by (simp add: restrict_def)
lemma restrict_restrict [simp]:
"restrict(restrict(r,A),B) = restrict(r, A ∩ B)"
by (unfold restrict_def, blast)
lemma domain_restrict [simp]: "domain(restrict(f,C)) = domain(f) ∩ C"
apply (unfold restrict_def)
apply (auto simp add: domain_def)
lemma restrict_idem: "f ⊆ Sigma(A,B) ==> restrict(f,A) = f"
by (simp add: restrict_def, blast)
lemma domain_restrict_idem:
"[| domain(r) ⊆ A; relation(r) |] ==> restrict(r,A) = r"
by (simp add: restrict_def relation_def, blast)
lemma domain_restrict_lam [simp]: "domain(restrict(Lambda(A,f),C)) = A ∩ C"
apply (unfold restrict_def lam_def)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (auto simp add: domain_iff)
lemma restrict_if [simp]: "restrict(f,A) ` a = (if a ∈ A then f`a else 0)"
by (simp add: restrict apply_0)
lemma restrict_lam_eq:
"A<=C ==> restrict(λx∈C. b(x), A) = (λx∈A. b(x))"
by (unfold restrict_def lam_def, auto)
lemma fun_cons_restrict_eq:
"f ∈ cons(a, b) -> B ==> f = cons(<a, f ` a>, restrict(f, b))"
apply (rule equalityI)
prefer 2 apply (blast intro: apply_Pair restrict_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (auto dest!: Pi_memberD simp add: restrict_def lam_def)
subsection‹Unions of Functions›
lemma function_Union:
"[| ∀x∈S. function(x);
∀x∈S. ∀y∈S. x<=y | y<=x |]
==> function(⋃(S))"
by (unfold function_def, blast)
lemma fun_Union:
"[| ∀f∈S. ∃C D. f ∈ C->D;
∀f∈S. ∀y∈S. f<=y | y<=f |] ==>
⋃(S) ∈ domain(⋃(S)) -> range(⋃(S))"
apply (unfold Pi_def)
apply (blast intro!: rel_Union function_Union)
lemma gen_relation_Union [rule_format]:
"∀f∈F. relation(f) ⟹ relation(⋃(F))"
by (simp add: relation_def)
lemmas Un_rls = Un_subset_iff SUM_Un_distrib1 prod_Un_distrib2
subset_trans [OF _ Un_upper1]
subset_trans [OF _ Un_upper2]
lemma fun_disjoint_Un:
"[| f ∈ A->B; g ∈ C->D; A ∩ C = 0 |]
==> (f ∪ g) ∈ (A ∪ C) -> (B ∪ D)"
apply (simp add: Pi_iff extension Un_rls)
apply (unfold function_def, blast)
lemma fun_disjoint_apply1: "a ∉ domain(g) ==> (f ∪ g)`a = f`a"
by (simp add: apply_def, blast)
lemma fun_disjoint_apply2: "c ∉ domain(f) ==> (f ∪ g)`c = g`c"
by (simp add: apply_def, blast)
subsection‹Domain and Range of a Function or Relation›
lemma domain_of_fun: "f ∈ Pi(A,B) ==> domain(f)=A"
by (unfold Pi_def, blast)
lemma apply_rangeI: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); a ∈ A |] ==> f`a ∈ range(f)"
by (erule apply_Pair [THEN rangeI], assumption)
lemma range_of_fun: "f ∈ Pi(A,B) ==> f ∈ A->range(f)"
by (blast intro: Pi_type apply_rangeI)
subsection‹Extensions of Functions›
lemma fun_extend:
"[| f ∈ A->B; c∉A |] ==> cons(<c,b>,f) ∈ cons(c,A) -> cons(b,B)"
apply (frule singleton_fun [THEN fun_disjoint_Un], blast)
apply (simp add: cons_eq)
lemma fun_extend3:
"[| f ∈ A->B; c∉A; b ∈ B |] ==> cons(<c,b>,f) ∈ cons(c,A) -> B"
by (blast intro: fun_extend [THEN fun_weaken_type])
lemma extend_apply:
"c ∉ domain(f) ==> cons(<c,b>,f)`a = (if a=c then b else f`a)"
by (auto simp add: apply_def)
lemma fun_extend_apply [simp]:
"[| f ∈ A->B; c∉A |] ==> cons(<c,b>,f)`a = (if a=c then b else f`a)"
apply (rule extend_apply)
apply (simp add: Pi_def, blast)
lemmas singleton_apply = apply_equality [OF singletonI singleton_fun, simp]
lemma cons_fun_eq:
"c ∉ A ==> cons(c,A) -> B = (⋃f ∈ A->B. ⋃b∈B. {cons(<c,b>, f)})"
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (safe elim!: fun_extend3)
apply (subgoal_tac "restrict (x, A) ∈ A -> B")
prefer 2 apply (blast intro: restrict_type2)
apply (rule UN_I, assumption)
apply (rule apply_funtype [THEN UN_I])
apply assumption
apply (rule consI1)
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply assumption
apply (blast intro: fun_extend)
apply (erule consE, simp_all)
lemma succ_fun_eq: "succ(n) -> B = (⋃f ∈ n->B. ⋃b∈B. {cons(<n,b>, f)})"
by (simp add: succ_def mem_not_refl cons_fun_eq)
subsection‹Function Updates›
update :: "[i,i,i] => i" where
"update(f,a,b) == λx∈cons(a, domain(f)). if(x=a, b, f`x)"
nonterminal updbinds and updbind
"_updbind" :: "[i, i] => updbind" (‹(2_ :=/ _)›)
"" :: "updbind => updbinds" (‹_›)
"_updbinds" :: "[updbind, updbinds] => updbinds" (‹_,/ _›)
"_Update" :: "[i, updbinds] => i" (‹_/'((_)')› [900,0] 900)
"_Update (f, _updbinds(b,bs))" == "_Update (_Update(f,b), bs)"
"f(x:=y)" == "CONST update(f,x,y)"
lemma update_apply [simp]: "f(x:=y) ` z = (if z=x then y else f`z)"
apply (simp add: update_def)
apply (case_tac "z ∈ domain(f)")
apply (simp_all add: apply_0)
lemma update_idem: "[| f`x = y; f ∈ Pi(A,B); x ∈ A |] ==> f(x:=y) = f"
apply (unfold update_def)
apply (simp add: domain_of_fun cons_absorb)
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply (best intro: apply_type if_type lam_type, assumption, simp)
declare refl [THEN update_idem, simp]
lemma domain_update [simp]: "domain(f(x:=y)) = cons(x, domain(f))"
by (unfold update_def, simp)
lemma update_type: "[| f ∈ Pi(A,B); x ∈ A; y ∈ B(x) |] ==> f(x:=y) ∈ Pi(A, B)"
apply (unfold update_def)
apply (simp add: domain_of_fun cons_absorb apply_funtype lam_type)
subsection‹Monotonicity Theorems›
subsubsection‹Replacement in its Various Forms›
lemma Replace_mono: "A<=B ==> Replace(A,P) ⊆ Replace(B,P)"
by (blast elim!: ReplaceE)
lemma RepFun_mono: "A<=B ==> {f(x). x ∈ A} ⊆ {f(x). x ∈ B}"
by blast
lemma Pow_mono: "A<=B ==> Pow(A) ⊆ Pow(B)"
by blast
lemma Union_mono: "A<=B ==> ⋃(A) ⊆ ⋃(B)"
by blast
lemma UN_mono:
"[| A<=C; !!x. x ∈ A ==> B(x)<=D(x) |] ==> (⋃x∈A. B(x)) ⊆ (⋃x∈C. D(x))"
by blast
lemma Inter_anti_mono: "[| A<=B; A≠0 |] ==> ⋂(B) ⊆ ⋂(A)"
by blast
lemma cons_mono: "C<=D ==> cons(a,C) ⊆ cons(a,D)"
by blast
lemma Un_mono: "[| A<=C; B<=D |] ==> A ∪ B ⊆ C ∪ D"
by blast
lemma Int_mono: "[| A<=C; B<=D |] ==> A ∩ B ⊆ C ∩ D"
by blast
lemma Diff_mono: "[| A<=C; D<=B |] ==> A-B ⊆ C-D"
by blast
subsubsection‹Standard Products, Sums and Function Spaces›
lemma Sigma_mono [rule_format]:
"[| A<=C; !!x. x ∈ A ⟶ B(x) ⊆ D(x) |] ==> Sigma(A,B) ⊆ Sigma(C,D)"
by blast
lemma sum_mono: "[| A<=C; B<=D |] ==> A+B ⊆ C+D"
by (unfold sum_def, blast)
lemma Pi_mono: "B<=C ==> A->B ⊆ A->C"
by (blast intro: lam_type elim: Pi_lamE)
lemma lam_mono: "A<=B ==> Lambda(A,c) ⊆ Lambda(B,c)"
apply (unfold lam_def)
apply (erule RepFun_mono)
subsubsection‹Converse, Domain, Range, Field›
lemma converse_mono: "r<=s ==> converse(r) ⊆ converse(s)"
by blast
lemma domain_mono: "r<=s ==> domain(r)<=domain(s)"
by blast
lemmas domain_rel_subset = subset_trans [OF domain_mono domain_subset]
lemma range_mono: "r<=s ==> range(r)<=range(s)"
by blast
lemmas range_rel_subset = subset_trans [OF range_mono range_subset]
lemma field_mono: "r<=s ==> field(r)<=field(s)"
by blast
lemma field_rel_subset: "r ⊆ A*A ==> field(r) ⊆ A"
by (erule field_mono [THEN subset_trans], blast)
lemma image_pair_mono:
"[| !! x y. <x,y>:r ==> <x,y>:s; A<=B |] ==> r``A ⊆ s``B"
by blast
lemma vimage_pair_mono:
"[| !! x y. <x,y>:r ==> <x,y>:s; A<=B |] ==> r-``A ⊆ s-``B"
by blast
lemma image_mono: "[| r<=s; A<=B |] ==> r``A ⊆ s``B"
by blast
lemma vimage_mono: "[| r<=s; A<=B |] ==> r-``A ⊆ s-``B"
by blast
lemma Collect_mono:
"[| A<=B; !!x. x ∈ A ==> P(x) ⟶ Q(x) |] ==> Collect(A,P) ⊆ Collect(B,Q)"
by blast
lemmas basic_monos = subset_refl imp_refl disj_mono conj_mono ex_mono
Collect_mono Part_mono in_mono
lemma bex_image_simp:
"[| f ∈ Pi(X, Y); A ⊆ X |] ==> (∃x∈f``A. P(x)) ⟷ (∃x∈A. P(f`x))"
apply safe
apply rule
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply (simp add: apply_equality)
apply (blast intro: apply_Pair)
lemma ball_image_simp:
"[| f ∈ Pi(X, Y); A ⊆ X |] ==> (∀x∈f``A. P(x)) ⟷ (∀x∈A. P(f`x))"
apply safe
apply (blast intro: apply_Pair)
apply (drule bspec) apply assumption
apply (simp add: apply_equality)